Resettlement of refugees
The main focus of our work is the resettlement of refugee families in the Sherborne area under the government's Syrian Vulnerable Persons' Resettlement scheme. We are working with Dorset Council to identify suitable homes for the families, who have fled the conflict in Syria, and been identified as refugees by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Those who come to the UK under this scheme are deemed to be the people in the greatest need, who cannot be supported effectively where they have come from and may include women and children at risk, those with special medical needs or disabilities, and survivors of violence and torture.
Sherborne Area Refugee Support seeks privately-owned properties, with landlords who are willing to take part in the scheme, and to help refugees rebuild their lives in safety. We work with Dorset Council, which carries out initial checks on the properties, and is able to guarantee rent payments through the government scheme. Find out more here about properties needed.
Once refugee families have arrived in the area, Sherborne Area Refugee Support helps to ensure they are welcomed and integrated, by identifying volunteers to befriend them and help them learn English. Volunteers all receive DBS checks via the Volunteer Centre Dorset, on behalf of Dorset Council. We also raise funds to purchase items like children's’books and toys, and furnishings for the homes.